24/6/2019 5 Comments Introducing Skin ConfidentI’m very excited to announce that we have a new VITILIGLOW™ partner! Founded by Babs Forman, Skin Confident helps clients conceal skin conditions including vitiligo, scars, rosacea, birthmarks, acne and more. The brands that Babs recommends (including VITILIGLOW™!) can give you long-lasting, waterproof coverage and can easily be incorporated into your everyday lifestyle and routine. Selected as one of the ‘100 inspirational Women for 2016’ by the BBC, Babs is a fully-qualified make-up artist and skin camouflage practitioner. She has a deep understanding of all skin tones and types after training at the Delamar Academy at Ealing Studios and working in film and TV for a number of years. Babs initially qualified as a solicitor and practiced law, but then retrained to follow her passion to help people feel more confident in their own skin. Babs has worked with many clients (including celebrities, sports personalities and actors) and made up hundreds of faces – all of which have different skin types and tones. Having suffered from burns scars herself, Babs feels very strongly about making everyone feel confident about their skin, which is completely in-line with our mantra at VITILIGLOW™. I believe that feeling happy and self-confident in your own skin is so important! Skin camouflage products, like VITILIGLOW™, help to conceal skin conditions that have changed the pigmentation in your skin. For example, vitiligo creates depigmented patches of skin, which can be concealed using VITILIGLOW™. Babs advises that, as long as your skin isn’t broken or contagious, there’s no reason why skin camouflage won’t work. You can conceal your pigmentation so that it blends with the surrounding skin and is much less visible! During a consultation with Babs, she works with the client to find the best possible skin camouflage for the individual. No two cases are the same, and Babs has high-quality products that will conceal your pigmentation without looking too heavy or ‘cakey’. Babs will then talk through how to recreate the look so that clients can go home knowing that they can recreate exactly what Babs has achieved in the consultation, which I think is such an important and useful step in helping clients integrate skin camouflage into their everyday lifestyles and daily routines.
Last week, Babs had great success covering a client’s hormonal pigmentation marks using Vitiliglow. She used Medium Cool and Tan Medium in two layers, which completely concealed the marks. Both VITILIGLOW™ and Skin Confident believe in empowering you to go about your daily life with more confidence. If you’re interested in learning more about Babs and Skin Confident, visit www.londonskincamouflage.co.uk. Best wishes, Polly x
23/6/2019 4 Comments World Vitiligo Day 2019Celebrate together This week, people across the globe will be celebrating World Vitiligo Day on Tuesday 25th June. Whether you have vitiligo or know someone who does, there are more than 50 million people with vitiligo worldwide, and World Vitiligo Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate body confidence and raise awareness of vitiligo. First celebrated in 2011, World Vitiligo Day was created to generate conversation about vitiligo, fight prejudice, educate others about the condition and raise funds for research. Over the past eight years, World Vitiligo Day has become a global event celebrated and recognised in many countries around the world. Inspire and raise funds From Winnie Harlow to Brian Friedman, there are a whole range of celebrities raising the profile of vitiligo, but you can too! Talking about the condition, how it makes you feel and what you’ve done to boost your confidence and self-esteem can inspire others with the condition who may feel insecure about their depigmented skin, for example. Many vitiligo advocates, researchers and dermatologists will be celebrating World Vitiligo Day on 25th June to help generate discussion and raise vital funds for further research into vitiligo, which many medical and skin experts say is significantly under-researched. Mental health This year, World Vitiligo Day will focus on the mental and medical journey of vitiligo, including the announcement of treatment updates and discussions on social media. The Houston Vitiligo Awareness Conference, which is a three-day event also held in June, will be hosting a panel discussion promoting open dialogue about the social impact of vitiligo, which is such an important part of the condition. This year’s focus on mental and medical health reflects the ever-growing conversation about the role of mental health and vitiligo. If you’d like to listen to what the panel have to say about the social impact of the condition, you can find them on Facebook. Their Facebook Page has a useful schedule of key speakers and event timings. Whether you feel super confident in your skin or you’re looking for a reliable product to cover up your vitiligo, you can read more of our blog posts over on our blog page, or you can visit our online shop to purchase VITILIGLOW™.
I hope you have a great time on 25th June celebrating World Vitiligo Day. I’m really looking forward to joining in with the discussion on social media! Best wishes, Polly x |
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